Forum for Anthropology and Culture. 2007. No. 4


Editors' Foreword


Forum 5: Fieldwork Ethics

Sergei Abashin, Marcus Banks, Olga Boitsova, Elena Boryak, Bruce Grant, Elza-Bair Guchinova, Vladimir Ilyin, Catriona Kelly, Zhanna Kormina, Larisa Pavlinskaya, Donald Raleigh, Brian Schwegler, Nona Shahnazarian, Alexandra Simanovskaya, Amrit Srinivasan, Zinaida Vasilieva, Viktor Voronkov


Jane Zavisca. Ethics in Ethnographical Fieldwork


Forum 6: Ethnographical Collections in the Modern Museum

Vladimir Arsenyev, Dmitry Baranov, Yuri Chistov, Francis Conte, Mirella Decheva, Steven Engelsman, Eija-Maija Kotilainen, Oleg Lysenko, Ripsime Pikichian, Jette Sandahl, Anna Schmid, Anna Siim, Valentina Uzunova, Germain Viatte



Alison Petch. A Typology of Benefactors: the Relationships of Pitt Rivers and Tylor to the Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford 

Jane Garnett, Gervase Rosser. Representing Spectacular Miracles


Generations in Europe

Catriona Kelly, Stephen Lovell. Papers from 'Generetions in Europe' (Oxford, April 2005) 

Ilia Utekhin. Memories of Leningrad's Blockade: Testimonies from Two Generations 

Alexandra Piir. What is a Courtyard For? Generations and the Use of Space in Backyard Leningrad 

Alessandro Portelli. Generations in Genoa. July 2001 

Hilary Pilkington. 'The More They Talk about It, the More You Feel Like Doing It'. Reflections on the Discursive Production of Generational Experiences 


The Russian Empire and the Steppe: An Exchange of Views 

Igor Grachev, Pavel Rykin. A European's View of Asiatic History: A Response to Willard Sunderland. Taming the Wild Field: Colonization and Empire on the Russian Steppe. Ithaca; NY; London: Cornell University Press, 2004

Alexander Morrison. What is ‘Colonisation'? An Alternative View of Taming the Wild Field



Andy Byford. Literary Academia under Soviet Power: Mikhail Robinson. Sudby akademicheskoi elity: Otechestvennoe slavyanovedenie (1917 - nachalo 1930-x godov). Moscow: Izdatelstvo ‘Indrik', 2004

Ilia Utekhin. The Culture Bazaar: Birgit Beumers. Pop Culture Russia!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle. (Series: Popular Cultures in the Contemporary World). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2005


List of Contributors