Forum for Anthropology and Culture. 2012. No. 7


Editors' Foreword


Forum 12: City Culture, Urban Culture 

Vladimir Abashev, Mikhail Alekseevsky, Maria Akhmetova, Mikhail Lurye, Stephen V. Bittner, Anatoly Breslavsky, Benjamin Cope, Heather DeHaan, Megan Dixon, Dmitry Gromov, Natalya Kosmarskaya, Kirill Maslinsky, Mikhail Matlin, György Péteri, Vladimir Poddubikov, Robert Pyrah, Irina Razumova, Tanya Richardson, Monica Rüthers, Alexander Sadovoi, Mikhail Stroganov

From the Editorial Board


Paul Manning. The Theory of the Cafè Peripheral: Laghidze’s Waters and Peripheral Urban Modernity

Victoria Donovan. ‘Going Backwards, We Stride Forwards’: KraevedenieMuseums and the Making of Local Memory in North West Russia, 1956–1981

Anna Sokolova. Funerals without a Body: The Transformation of the Traditional Funeral Ritual

Irina Nazarova. Why Do(n’t) We Believe in Portents and Omens?



Elena Nosenko-Shtein. The Shtetl Revisited: V.A. Dymshits, A.L. Lvov, A.V. Sokolova (comp.) Shtetl: XXI vek. Polevye issledovaniya [The Shtetl in the Twenty-First Century. Field Studies]. SPb.: Izdatelstvo Evropeiskogo universiteta v Sankt-Peterburge, 2008. (Studia Ethnologica. Issue 5).

Alena Pfoser. The New Soviet Man in the Feminine: Yulia Gradskova. Soviet People with Female Bodies. Performing Beauty and Maternity in Soviet Russia the mid 1930s–1960s. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press, 2007.

Katharina Uhl. New Insights, Old Paradigms? Melanie Ilic and Jeremy Smith (eds.). Soviet State and Society Under Nikita Khrushchev. London: Routledge, 2009.

Catriona Kelly. From Hygiene to Glamour: The (De)Sovietisation of Underwear: Olga Gurova. Sovetskoe nizhnee belyo: mezhdu ideologiei i povsednevnostyu [Soviet Underwear: Between Ideology and the Everyday]. M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2008.