From the Editors
Editors’ Questions
Elena Gudova, Asya Karaseva, Magdalena Kozhevnikova, Victor Krutkin, Aleksandra Kurlenkova, Anna Malyar, Dmitriy Mikhel, Igor Morozov, Michele Rivkin-Fish, Irina Sirotkina, Elena Sokolova, Liliia Zemnukhova
Sergei Sokolovskiy. Anthropology of the Living and the Dead: The Case of the Human Body and Technics (an Afterword to the Discussion)
Sergei Sokolovskiy. Bodies and Technologies through the Prism of Techno-Anthropology
Elena Sokolova. The Smartphone as Witness: Technological Mediation of Bodily Sensory Experience
Evgenia Nim. Self-tracking as a Practice of Quantifying the Body: Conceptual Outlines
Stanislav Petriashin. Socialist Realism and Ethnography: The Study and Representation of Soviet Contemporaneity in Ethnographic Museums in the 1930s
Dmitriy Timoshkin, Konstantin Grigorichev. ‘Non-Place’ outside Time: Indeterminacy as the Specificity of the Existence of Localities in a Post-Soviet City (The Case of Irkutsk)
Alexandra Kasatkina. Translations at the End of the World: A Review of Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, Grib na krayu sveta: o vozmozhnosti zhizni na ruinakh kapitalizma. Moscow: Ad Marginem Press, 2017, 376 pp. (Russian transl. of Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing, The Mushroom at the End of the World: On the Possibility of Life in Capitalist Ruins. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2015, 352 pp.)
Ivan Kirpichnikov. A Review of Jan Hennings, Russia and Courtly Europe: Ritual and the Culture of Diplomacy, 1648–1725. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016, XII+297 pp. (New Studies in European History)
Sergei Shtyrkov. The Catechon as a Category of Orthodox Consciousness: Outlines of Russian Political Eschatology: A Review of Victor Shnirelman, Koleno Danovo: eskhatologiya i antisemitizm v sovremennoy Rossii [The Tribe of Dan: Eschatology and Anti-Semitism in Modern Russia]. Moscow: St Andrew’s Biblical Theological Institute Press, 2017, XIV+617 pp.