Antropologicheskij forum, 2004, no. 1


Editors' Foreword


Forum: Cultural Anthropology: The State of the Field

Levon Abrahamian, Adele Barker, Pavel Belkov, Yuri Berezkin, Konstantin Bogdanov, Susan Gal, Bruce Grant, Vyacheslav Ivanov, Tim Ingold, Catriona Kelly, Georgij Levinton, Alexander Panchenko, Steve Smith, Sergey Sokolovskiy, Nicholas Harney, Sevir Chernetsov

Afterword by Albert Baiburin



'The School Waltz': The Everyday Life of the Post-Stalinist Soviet Classroom

Catriona Kelly

The Pragmatics of the Chastushka

Svetlana Adonyeva

The Social Group and its Designation in Middle Mongolian

Pavel Rykin


Readings in Honour of D. K. Zelenin

Readings in Honour of D. K. Zelenin

Valeria Kolosova

D. K. Zelenin's Compendium Russian (East Slavonic) Ethnography: The German and Russian Editions

Kirill Chistov

'We Lived Side by Side...': Ethno-Cultural Stereotypes and Living Tradition

Olga Belova

'The Yellow Peril' as Seen in Contemporary Church Culture

Maria Akhmetova

Eschatological Expectations at the Turn of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries: The End of the World Is (Not) Nigh?

Ekaterina Melnikova

The Origin of the Expression tuda i doroga! and Slav Folk Beliefs about Two Ways of Dying

Margarita Zhuikova


Materials from Museums

The Holdings Relating to the Tlingits in the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography, St Petersburg

Sergei Korsun



The Saami, 1200–1700 (Source Materials and Commentary)

Aleksei Zhukov



A Review of T. B. Shchepanskaya, Kultura dorogi v russkoy miforitualnoy traditsii XIX–XX vv. [The Journey in Russian Rituals and Myths of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries]. Moscow: Indrik, 2003.

Mikhail Lurye

A Review of A. N. Rozov, Svyashchennik v dukhovnoy zhizni russkoy derevni [The Priest in the Spiritual Life of the Russian Village]. St Petersburg: Aleteya, 2003.

Veronika Makarova

A Review of Stephen Lovell, Summerfolk. A History of the Dacha 1710–2000. Ithaca; London: Cornell University Press, 2003.

Ilya Utekhin

A Review of Каurinkoski Kira, Les Grecs dans le Donbass: Analyse des identités collectives dans deux villages d’Ukraine Orientale. Université de Provence: “Septentrion”, 1997. Ser. Thése a la carte.

Vlada Baranova, Kseniya Viktorova

A Review of E. A. Okladnikova, Traditsionnye kultury Severnoy Ameriki kak tsivilizatsionnyy fenomen [The Traditional Cultures of North America as a Civilisational Phenomenon]. St Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2003.

Yuri Berezkin

On the article 'Yu. V. Bromley i "Sovetskaya etnografiya"' [Yu. V. Bromley and 'Soviet Ethnography'] by D. D. Tumarkin (published in the collection of articles Yu. V. Bromley i otechestvennaya etnologiya (1960–1990 gody) [Yu. V. Bromley and Domestic Ethnology]. Moscow: Nauka, 2003, pp. 212–28.

Kirill Chistov


Conference Report

'The Future of the Humanities' (European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford, 19–20 March 2004)

Catriona Kelly, Martin McLaughlin

Maclay Readings Celebrating the Fourtieth Anniversary of Academic Careers of E. V. Revunenkova and A. K. Ogloblin

Elena Ivanova


In memoriam

In Memory of Nikolai Mikhailovich Girenko

Sevir Chernetsov