Antropologicheskij forum, 2006, no. 4


Forum: Discussion of Catriona Kelly’s article, 'The School Waltz': The Everyday Life of the Post-Stalinist Soviet Classroom

From the Editorial Board

Vadim Baevsky, Vitaly Bezrogov, Aleksandr Belousov, Evgeny Dobrenko, Claudio Nun Ingerflom, Vera Lebedeva-Kaplan, Sofia Loiter, Aleksandr Liarsky, Elena Liarskaya, Fran Markowitz, Alexandra Piir, David Ransel, Andrey Toporkov, Boris Firsov, Larry E. Holmes, Ben Eklof

Author's Reply

Catriona Kelly

Whose School Is It, Anyway?

Sheila Fitzpatrick



Between Stalin and Christ: The Religious Socialization of Children in Soviet and Post-Soviet Russia (Based on Memoirs)

Vitaly Bezrogov

Primary Education for inorodtsy in the North of European Russia

Maxim Pulkin

V. N. Tenishev’s Peasant Programme: Text and Context

Dmitry Baranov

Landscapes, Faces and Histories: Alexander Forshtein’s Eskimo Photos (1927–1929)

Igor Krupnik, Elena Mikhailova

Otchityvanie: Practices and Discourses

Ekaterina Melnikova

Unchristened Flesh: The Woman’s Breast and Breastfeeding in Traditional Slavic Culture, with Especial Reference to Belorussia

Tatiana Volodina

Why Did Marinka Burn Dobrynia’s Footprints? (Notes on the Origin of Love Magic)

Margarita Zhuikova

An Entomological Calendar in the Mirror of Russian Language and Folk Culture

Yulia Krivoshchapova

Mythological Characters in Informal Discourse of 'Field'

Tatiana Schepanskaya



Representing Spectacular Miracles

Jane Garnett, Gervase Rosser



A Review of Frederick C. Corney, Telling October. Memory and the Making of the Bolshevik Revolution. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2004, 320 pp.; Michael S. Gorham, Speaking in Soviet Tongues: Language Culture and the Politics of Voice in Revolutionary Russia. DeKalb, Ill.: Northern Illinois University Press, 2003, 277 pp.

Polly Jones

A Review of J. V. Kormina, Provody v armiyu v poreformennoy Rossii. Opyt etnograficheskogo analiza [Send-Off to the Army in Post-Reform Russia. An Attempt of Ethnographic Analysis]. Moscow: NLO, 2005, 376 pp.

Mikhail Lurye

A Review of Laura Olson, Performing Russia: Folk Revival and Russian Identity. RoutledgeCurzon: New York; London: Routledge Curzon, 2004, 304 pp.

Andrew Jenks

A Review of M. A. Robinson, Sudby akademicheskoy elity: Otechestvennoe slavyanovedenie (1917 — nachalo 1930-kh godov). Moscow: Indrik, 2004, 432 pp.

Andy Byford

A Review of M. Kaiser (Hrsg.), Auf der Suche nach Eurasien: Politik, Religion und Alltagskultur zwischen Russland und Europa. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2003, 400 SS.

Tatyana Tereshchenko


In memoriam

Vladimir Nikolayevich Toporov

Georgij Levinton

Eleazar Moiseevich Meletinsky

Albert Baiburun, Georgij Levinton

Evgeny Alekseevich Kostyukhin

Tatiana Ivanova


Summaries and keywords

Antropologicheskij forum, no. 4