Antropologicheskij forum, 2006, no. 5

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Forum: Fieldwork Ethics  

Sergei Abashin, Dmitry Arzyutov, Maria Akhmetova, Olga Boitsova, Elena Boryak, Alexandra Britsyna, Marcus Banks, Zinaida Vasilyeva, Viktor Voronkov, Natalia Galetkina, Bruce Grant, Elza-Bair Guchinova, Natalia Drannikova, Vladimir Ilyin, Catriona Kelly, Jeanne Kormina, Mikhail Lurye, Larisa Pavlinskaya, Irina Razumova, Donald Raleigh, Alexandra Simanovskaya, Amrit Srinivasan, Nikita Ushakov, Elena Chikadze, Nona Shahnazarian, Brian Schwegler

From the Editorial Board



Ethics in Ethnographic Fieldwork

Jane Zavisca

The Problem of Classifying Ethnic Nationalism

Konstantin Sharov

The Disgrace of Thieves in the System of Customary Law Trials of Russian Peasants in the Latter Half of the 19th — Beginning of the 20th Centuries

Anna Kushkova

'They Do Everything Unlike Normal People': Some Stereotypes of Teachers from the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Area Regarding the Tundra Nenets

Elena Liarskaya

Graphic Metaphors of Shamanic State in Petroglyphs and the Conceptualization of Shamanism with Numbers

Penglin Wang

Tista-Buri Puja and Tukkha Songs in the Religious Culture of Rajbansi (North Bengal)

Svetlana Ryzhakova


Generations in Europe 

Generations in Genoa. July 2001

Alessandro Portelli

Memories of the Leningrad Blockade: Testimonies from Two Generations

Ilya Utekhin

What Is a Courtyard for? (Generations and the Use of Space in the Leningrad Backyard)

Alexandra Piir

'The More They Talk About It, the More You Feel Like Doing It': Reflections on the Discursive Production of Generational Experiences

Hilary Pilkington



A Review of N. V. Drannikova, Lokalno-gruppovye prozvishcha v traditsionnoy kulture Russkogo Severa: Funktsionalnost, zhanrovaya sistema, etnopoetika [Local and Group Nicknames in Traditional Culture of the Northern Russia: Functionality, Genre System and Ethnopoetics]. Arkhangelsk: Pomorsky University Press, 2004, 432 pp.

Anna Kushkova

A Review of Birgit Beumers, Pop Culture Russia!: Media, Arts, and Lifestyle. Santa-Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2005, 399 pp., ill. (Popular Cultures in the Contemporary World)

Ilya Utekhin



SSEES Nineteenth Anniversary Conference 'Towards the SSEES Century: Ideas and Issues into the Next Decade. Literature and Culture in Contemporary Russia'

Philip Bullock



Yuri Evgenyevich Berezkin. Interview with Yuri Evgenyevich Berezkin

Alexander Grigoryevich Kozintsev


Summaries and keywords

Antropologicheskij forum, no. 5