Antropologicheskij forum, 2007, no. 6


Forum: Ethnographical Collections in the Modern Museum

Vladimir Arsenyev, Anton Astapovich, Dmitry Baranov, Germain Viatte, Mirella Decheva, Vladimir Dmitriev, Francis Conte, Eija-Maija Kotilainen, Julia Kupina, Oleg Lysenko, Igor Melnikov, Ripsime Pikichian, Anna Siim, Jette Sandahl, Valentina Uzunova, Yuri Chistov, Anna Schmid, Steven Engelsman

From the Editorial Board



Collective Purification Rites in Russia. Anthropological, Social and Historic Aspects

Dmitri Zakharine

The Practice of Privacy in a Southern Russian Village (Case Study)

Alexander Manuilov

About the 'Petropavlovsk' Ship, Harbinger of Revolution

Aado Lintrop

The Motif of the Revival of a Dead Man in Northern Russian Funeral Lamentations: Text and Ceremonial Context

Mikhail Alekseevsky


Valeria Kolosova

Sadistic Rhyme in the Context of Urban Folklore: Children and Adults, General and Specific

Mikhail Lurye



Mutual Stereotypes: From the Experience of an International Exhibition Project

Olga Fishman, Natalia Ivanovskaya


Materials from Expeditions

Materials on Calendar Mythology and Calendar Rituals among the Karelian Peoples from Syamozero

Alexey Konkka



A Review of K. A. Bogdanov, Vrachi, patsienty, chitateli. Patograficheskie teksty russkoy kultury XVIII–XIX vekov [Doctors, Patients and Readers: Pathographic Texts of Russian Culture in the 18th–19th Centuries]. Moscow: OGI, 2005, 504 pp.

Dmitri Zakharine

A Review of G. I. Kanevskaya, 'Ya bezdomnyy, no zato na vole…' Russkie peremeshchennye litsa v Avstralii (1947–1954 gg.) ['I Am Homeless but I Am Free': Displaced Russians in Australia (1947–1954 gg.)]. Vladivostok: Far Eastern University Press, 2005, 232 pp.

Alexander Massov

A Review of A. A. Zaliznyak, I. B. Levontina, A. D. Shmelev, Klyuchevye idei russkoy yazykovoy kartiny mira [The Key Ideas of the Russian Linguistic Worldimage]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskoy kultury, 2005, 544 pp.; L. Gudkov, Negativnaya identichnost [Negative Identity]. Moscow: NLO, 2004, 816 pp.

Catriona Kelly

A Review of Willard Sunderland, Taming the Wild Field: Colonization and Empire on the Russian Steppe. Ithaca; London: Cornell University Press, 2004, XVII+239 pp.

Igor Grachev, Pavel Rykin

A Review of Willard Sunderland, Taming the Wild Field: Colonization and Empire on the Russian Steppe. Ithaca; London: Cornell University Press, 2004, XVII+239 pp.

Alexander Morrison



Round Table 'Magic and Folk Religion in Russia and Western Europe'

Andrey Toporkov

Visual Research: Summer School and Conference in Saratov

Eugenia Vasina-Grigorieva

Educational Text at Soviet Schools

Svetlana Leontieva, Kirill Maslinsky


Summaries and keywords

Antropologicheskij forum, no. 6