Antropologicheskij forum, 2007, no. 7


Forum: Visual anthropology

Evgeny Alexandrov, Andrei Golovnev, Andrey Gornykh, Viktor Krutkin, Irina Kulakova, Jari Kupiainen, Sarah Pink, Kirill Razlogov, Efim Rezvan, Elena Rozhdestvenskaya (Meshcherkina), Pavel Romanov, Elena Yarskaya-Smirnova, Paul Sweetman, Olga Khristoforova

From the Editorial Board


Round table materials 'Audiovisual Anthropology: Theory and Practice'

'Audiovisual Anthropology: Theory and Practice'



The Choice 'Between Petersburg and Moscow', or a Discourse on Two Capitals in Bologoye

Maria Akhmetova

Shamanism as a Colonial Project

Marina Hakkarainen

'My Old Friend in a Dead-End of Empiricism and Skepticism': Bogoras, Boas, and the Politics of Soviet Anthropology of the Late 1920s — Early 1930s

Sergei Kan

Sacral Topography in Villages in the Lower Course of the Shelon (Research in the District of the Former Ilemen, Reten and Sknyatin churchyards)

Evgeny Platonov


Materials from Expeditions

The Healer and His/Her Knowledge: Contemporary Beliefs (Based on Data from the South Tyumen Oblast)

Elena Ermakova

Carnival in the Romanian Banat: Field Research in Moldova-Noue

Otilia Hedesan, Natalia Golant

Female Portrait in Scholarly Context

Galina Komarova



A Typology of Benefactors: The Relationships of Pitt Rivers and Tylor to the Pitt Rivers Museum at the University of Oxford

Alison Petch



What Do You Find in the Bathhouse If You Go There at Midnight? A Review of William Ryan, Banya v polnoch: Istoricheskiy obzor magii i gadaniy v Rossii [Banya at Midnight: An Historical View of Magic and Fortune-Telling in Russia]. Moscow: NLO, 2006, 720 pp.

Andrey Toporkov

Reply to Andrey Toporkov

William Ryan

A Review of Marie Mauzé, Michael E. Harkin, Sergei Kan (eds.), Coming to Shore. Northwest Coast Ethnology, Traditions, and Visions. Lincoln; London: University of Nebraska Press, 2004, 508 pp.

Yuri Berezkin

A Review of Svetlana Malysheva, Sovetskaya prazdnichnaya kultura v provintsii: prostranstvo, simvoly, istoricheskie mify (1917–1927) [Soviet Holiday Culture in the Provinces: Space, Symbols and Historical Myths (1917–1927)]. Kazan: Ruten, 2005, 399 pp.

Catriona Kelly

A Review of J. V. Kormina, A. A. Panchenko, S. A. Shtyrkov, Sny Bogoroditsy. Issledovaniya po antropologii religii [Dreams of the Mother of God. Studies in Anthropology of Religion]. St Petersburg: European University at St Petersburg Press, 2006, 304 pp.

Elena Miagkova



Vladimir Yakovlevich Propp’s Letters (1968–1970) to Irina Petrovna Lupanova

Sofia Loiter



Boris Nikolaevich Putilov: The Beginning of the Road

Tatiana Ivanova

Meletinsky’s Tashkent

Eleonora Shafranskaya

Klavdia Leontievna Zadykhina — Ethnographer, Researcher of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. Commemorating the 100th Anniversary

Maria Yanes 


Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

M. Kuchinsky


Summaries and keywords

Antropologicheskij forum, no. 7