Forum: Nationalism and Xenophobia as Research Topics
Olga Ansberg, Valentina Uzunova, Maria Akhmetova, Jovan Byford, Elena Berezovich, Valentin Vydrin, Albina Garifzyanova, Roger Griffin, Sebastian Job, Paul Manning, Jelena Obradović, Elena Omelchenko, Alexander Osipov, Alexander Panchenko, Hilary Pilkington, David Raskin, Sergey Sokolovskiy, Detelina Tocheva, Andreas Umland, Douglas R. Holmes, Yury Shabaev, Eleonora Shafranskaya, Nona Shahnazaryan, Stephen Shenfield, Victor Schnirelmann
On The Problem of Professional Schizophrenia, or ‘This is No Bus in Paris’
Sergei Shtyrkov
The End of Russian Radical Nationalism?
Mikhail Sokolov
Identity on a Mythic Background
Julia Chernyavskaya
Happiness on Holidays
Albert Baiburin, Alexandra Piir
'I Didn’t Understand, but It Was Funny': Late Soviet Festivals and Their Impact on Children
Catriona Kelly, Svetlana Sirotinina
Ritual Rhetoric. Soviet Sociolect in the Light of Ethnolinguistics
Konstantin Bogdanov
Dirty Village and Litter Town (Everyday Practices of Dealing with Litter in Different Communities)
Olga Brednikova, Olga Tkach
'Having Given That Person the Name of the Supreme Governor': On the Title Assumed by Admiral A. V. Kolchak on 18th November 1918
Vadim Zhuravlev
We Host Zhivaya starina
On the Zhivaya starina Journal
Maria Akhmetova, Sergei Neklyudov
Russian Geographical Urban Songs of Russia
Vladimir Kalutskov
'An Icon Was Called a Candle': From the Experience of Studying the Candle in East Polesye. Based on Expeditions of the Vetka Museum of Folk Creative Work
Gennadiy Lopatin
Materials from Expeditions
Materials for ‘Dictionary of the Local Text of Mogilev-Podilskii’
Mikhail Alekseevsky, Anastasia Zherdeva, Mikhail Lurye, Anna Senkina
A Review of Paula A. Michaels, Curative Power: Medicine and Empire in Stalin’s Central Asia. Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003, 239 pp.
Sergei Abashin
A Review of Catherine Merridale, Ivan’s War. The Red Army 1939–1945. London: Faber and Faber, 2005 (paperback edition), 396 pp.
Oleg Ken
A Review of Galina Lindquist, Conjuring Hope: Magic and Healing in Contemporary Russia. New York; Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2006, 251 pp. (Epistemologies of Healing, vol. 1)
Olga Khristoforova
A Review of K. A. Bogdanov, O krokodilakh v Rossii: Ocherki iz istorii zaimstvovaniy i ekzotizmov [On Crocodiles in Russia]. Moscow: NLO, 2006, 352 pp.
Andrew Kahn
Fania Davydovna Liushkevich
Maria Yanes
International Symposium ‘Ruler and Saint’. Tsar Ivan Shishman and the Festival Balkan Cultural Film Library
Valeria Kolosova, Konstantin Rangochev, or What Shall We Do with Russian Anthropology
Vlada Baranova
In memoriam
Kirill Vasilievich Chistov
Albert Baiburin
Summaries and keywords
Antropologicheskij forum, no. 8