Forum on Forums (On Dialogue in the Humanities and Social Sciences)
Nikolai Antropov, Pavel Belkov, Yuri Berezkin, Alexandra Britsyna, Nikolai Vakhtin, Katerina Guba, Evgeny Dobrenko, Varvara Dobrovolskaya, Michael David-Fox, Catriona Kelly, Vladimir Klyaus, Galina Komarova, Eve Levin, Stephen Lovell, Mikhail Lurye, Alexander Lvov, Andrey Moroz, Mikhail Rodionov, Svetlana Ryzhakova, Nariman Skakov, Steve Smith, Mikhail Sokolov, Andrey Toporkov, Mark D. Steinberg, Tatiana Schepanskaya, Dina Khapaeva, Junna Hiramatsu
From the Editorial Board
Traditions and Innovations in Putin Jokes
Alexandra Arkhipova
The Return of Sarts? Methodology and Politics in Post-Soviet Academic Discussions
Sergei Abashin
The Centenary of the Publication of V. Mansikka’s Book Über russische Zauberformeln mit Berücksichtigung der Blut- und Verrenkungssegen
Andrey Toporkov
Materials from Expeditions
Burials ‘Po-repnomu’ (Some Facts about Funeral Rites of the Northern Russian)
Yulia Krasheninnikova
Miscellanea marginaliaque
Pavel Klubkov
A Review of Laurie Manchester, Holy Fathers, Secular Sons: Clergy, Intelligentsia and the Modern Self in Revolutionary Russia. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2008, 304 pp.; Jennifer Hedda, His Kingdom Come: Orthodox Pastorship and Social Activism in Revolutionary Russia. DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2008, 300 pp.
Andy Byford
A Review of M. Jacobson , L. Jacobson, Prestuplenie i nakazanie v russkom pesennom folklore (do 1917 goda) [Crime and Punishment in Russian Folk Songs (before 1917)]. Moscow: SGU Press, 2006, 504 pp.
Mikhail Lurye
A Review of Tim Ingold, Lines: A Brief History. Oxon; New York: Routledge, 2007, 186 pp.
Elena Trubina
A Review of Sonja Luehrmann, Alutiiq Villages under Russian and U.S. Rule. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2008, 204 pp.
Evgeny Golovko
A Review of Isabel de Madariaga, Ivan the Terrible: First Tsar of Russia. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2005, XXII+484 pp.
Mikhail Krom
A Review of Oche-vidnaya istoria. Problemy vizualnoy istorii Rossii XX stoletiya [Eye-Witnessed History. Problems of Russian Visual History of the 20th Century]: Collection of articles / Ed. by I. V. Narsky et al. Chelyabinsk: Kamenny poyas, 2008, 476 pp.
Olga Boitsova
New Books on Ethnobotany
Valeria Kolosova
The Russian-French Summer School 'Autobiographical Practices in Cultural Context'
Andrey Toporkov
International Symposium 'Epos — Language — Myth'
Valeria Kolosova, Konstantin Rangochev
Summaries and keywords
Antropologicheskij forum, no. 10