Antropologicheskij forum, 2009, no. 11


From the Editor

In Memory of Claude Lévi-Strauss

Vyacheslav Ivanov


Forum: Generations in Academia

Mikhail Alekseevsky, Sergei Arutyunov, Andy Byford, Olga Boitsova, Natalia Demina, Varvara Dobrovolskaya, Boris Doktorov, Leokadia Drobizheva, Tatiana Zolotova, Lev Klein, Christoph Conrad, Stephen Lovell, Mary McAuley, Denis Paperno, Elena Perekhvalskaya, Irina Razumova, Nina Sumbatova, Boris Firsov, Sheila Fitzpatrick, Revekka Frumkina, Tatyana Chernigovskaya

From the Editorial Board



From Soundscape to Sound Design

Dmitri Zakharine

'The High Classics' in the Everyday Space of Culture: Technologies of Adaptation (Wagnerian Tradition in St Petersburg around the Turn of the 20th Century)

Tatiana Bukina

Latvian National History: On Cultural Mechanisms in the Construction and Abstracting of the Past

Svetlana Ryzhakova

The Legend of the Monument to Gogol in Mogilev-Podilskii: A Commentary to a Fragment of Local Text

Mikhail Alekseevsky, Mikhail Lurye, Anna Senkina


Readings in Honour of D. K. Zelenin

The Goat and the Deputies: Jewish Politics in the Late 18th — Early 19th Centuries in Folklore of the Pale of Settlement

Olga Minkina

The Memorialization of the Earthquake in Gyumri

Gayane Shagoyan

Memory Locus in the Memory of the Locals: Cultural Meanings of the Urban Space (Based on Interviews with Moscow Zaryadye Inhabitants)

Pavel Kupriyanov, Liudmila Sadovnikova

Chastushka and Sadistic Rhyme: The Memory of Genre. Verbal, Virtual, Visual

Anna Petrova



From the Editorial Board

A Review of М. Mogilner, Homo imperii: istoriya fizicheskoy antropologii v Rossii [Homo Imperii: A History of Physical Anthropology in Russia]. Мoscow: NLO, 2008, 512 pp.

Alexander Kozintsev

A Review of М. Mogilner, Homo imperii: istoriya fizicheskoy antropologii v Rossii [Homo Imperii: A History of Physical Anthropology in Russia]. Мoscow: NLO, 2008, 512 pp.

Ekaterina Melnikova

A Review of G. A. Komarova (ed.), Antropologiya akademicheskoy zhizni: adaptatsionnye protsessy i adaptivnye strategii [Anthropology of Academic Life: Adaptive Processes and Adaptive Strategies]. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Press, 2008, 296 pp.

Elena Boryak

A Review of A. B. Ippolitova, Russkie rukopisnye travniki XVII–XVIII vv. [Russian Handwritten Herbals of the 17th–18th Centuries]. Moscow: Indrik, 2008, 512 pp.

Alexei Chernetsov

A Review of Loren R. Graham, Moscow Stories. Bloomington; Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2006, 307 pp.

Olga Demidova

A Review of Yu. M. Ivanov, Sotsialnaya istoriya v Rossii v svyazi s transformatsiey ekonomicheskikh otnosheniy v kontse XIX — nachale XXI veka [Socal History in Russia in Light of the Transformation of Economic Relations in the Late 19th — Beginning of the 21st Century]. Moscow: E. V. Karpov, 2007, 465 pp.

Sergei Arutyunov



Monitoring the Scientific Activity of the Russian Anthropological Community (2008)


Summaries and keywords

Antropologicheskij forum, no. 11