Antropologicheskij forum, 2011, no. 14



Forum: The Internet and Academic Life

Andrei Alekseev, Igor Alimov, Maria Akhmetova, Yuri Berezkin, Michael Burawoy, Ivan Grinko, Katerina Guba, Anna Zhelnina, Tatiana Zolotova, Natalia Efimova, Vladimir Ilyin, Mikhail Krasikov, Roman Leibov, Natalia Mazur, David MacFadyen, Mikhail Matlin, Valentina Metalnikova, Irina Nazarova, Elena Nosenko-Shtein, Daria Radchenko, Ellen Rutten, Ilya Utekhin, Larisa Fialkova

From the Editorial Board

Valentin Vydrin



Arkaim: Archaeology, Esoteric Tourism and the National Idea

Victor Schnirelmann

Libido Academica (The Gender Aspect of Academic Prosopography)

Natalia Pushkareva

‘National’ Religion in the Context of Globalization: Traditional Buddhism in Contemporary Buryatia

Pavel Varnavsky

Refusal to Work (‘Sponging’) in the Soviet Union 1961–1991: Legal Codification and Social Practice

Tatiana Lastovka

Homecoming? New Practices of Diasporic Movement

Tsypylma Darieva

Parent-Cities’ in Folklore

Maria Akhmetova

Tickling: Cultural Meanings and Rules (Based on Data from Central Russia)

Varvara Dobrovolskaya

On the Peculiarities of the Traditional Costume of Bukharan Jews: Women’s Dresses

Tatiana Emelyanenko



A Review of Folk-art-net: novye gorizonty tvorchestva. Ot traditsii — k virtualnosti [Folk-Art-Net: New Horizons of Creativity. From Tradition to Virtuality]: A Collection of Articles. Moscow: The State Republican Center of Russian Folklore Press, 2007, 200 pp.; Internet i folklor [The Internet and Folklore]: A Collection of Articles. Moscow: The State Republican Center of Russian Folklore Press, 2009, 320 pp.

Dmitry Gromov

A Review of Control + Shift: Publichnoe i lichnoe v russkom internete [Control + Shift: Public and Private in the Russian Internet]: A Collection of Articles / Ed. by N. Konradova, H. Schmidt, K. Teubener. Moscow: NLO, 2009, 336 pp.

Daria Radchenko

A Review of Tsentralnaya Aziya v sostave Rossiyskoy imperii [Central Asia as a Part of the Russian Empire]. Мoscow: NLO, 2008, 464 pp. (Historia Rossica)

Alexander Morrison

A Review of Caroline Humphrey, Postsovetskie transformatsii v aziatskoy chasti Rossii: Antropologicheskie ocherki [Post-Soviet Transformations in Asian Russia: Anthropological Essays]. Мoscow: Natalis, 2010, 382 pp.

Sergei Abashin

A Review of Peter Burke, Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, 210 pp.

Nikolai Vakhtin

A Review of Tropoyu Bogoraza: Nauchnye i literaturnye materialy [The Trail of Bogoras: Scientific and Literary Material] / Ed. by L. S. Bogoslovskaya, V. S. Krivoshchekov, I. I. Krupnik. Moscow: The Heritage Institute Press, 2008, 352 pp.

Anna Sirina

A Review of Melanie Ilic, Jeremy Smith (eds.), Soviet State and Society under Nikita Khrushchev. London; New York: Routledge, 2009, 216 pp.

Katharina Uhl

A Review of Shtetl. XXI vek: Polevye issledovaniya [Shtetl. The 21st Century: Field Study] / Comp. by V. A. Dymshits, A. L. Lvov, A. V. Sokolova. St Petersburg: European University at St Petersburg Press, 2008, 292 pp. (Studia Ethnologica, vol. 5)

Elena Nosenko-Shtein 


Summaries and keywords

Antropologicheskij forum, no. 14