Antropologicheskij forum, 2011, no. 15



Forum: Studying Kinship

Olga Artemova, Yulia Artemova, Pavel Belkov, Aleksei Burykin, German Dzibel, Alexei Ivanov, Boris Kazachenko, Anastasia Kalyuta, David B. Kronenfeld, Sergey Kullanda, Anna Siim (Moskvina), Vladimir Popov, Dwight W. Read, Mikhail Chlenov, Andrei Shabashov, Fadwa El Guindi

From the Editorial Board



City on the Move: Considering Everyday Mobility

Ekaterina Fen

'Own' Grammar vs. 'Alien' Grammar: The Case of Bologoye

Maria Akhmetova

Notes on Ethnobotany VI: Tansy

Valeria Kolosova

Funeral without a Corpse: Transformations of the Traditional Funeral Ritual

Anna Sokolova


Seminar 'Soviet Traditions'

The Burden of Tradition: The Past in the Present of Russian Anthropology

Sergey Sokolovskiy

The Two Lives of One Discipline: Traditions and Roles of Sociology in Russia and the USSR

Boris Firsov

Leningrad Cooking / La cuisine leningradaise: A Contradiction in Terms?

Catriona Kelly

A Generation between the 'Heroic Past' and the 'Bright Future': The Role of Youth in the Thaw Period

Katharina Uhl



A Review of Sergei Kan, Lev Shternberg: Anthropologist, Russian Socialist, Jewish Activist. Lincoln; London: University of Nebraska Press, 2009, 550 pp. (Critical Studies in the History of Anthropology)

Elena Mikhailova

A Review of Svarennyy shaman, lzhivaya rabynya i drugie: 75 zadach po folkloristike, antropologii, sotsiolingvistike [The Boiled Shaman, The Lying Slave Girl and Others: 75 Folkloristic, Anthropological and Sociolinguistic Tasks] / Comp. by A. S. Arkhipova, S. A. Burlak, I. B. Itkin, S. Yu. Neklyudov, O. B. Khristoforova. Мoscow: Russian State University for the Humanities Press, 2010, 200 pp.

Nikita Petrov, Natalia Petrova

A Review of G. A. Komarova, Antropologiya akademicheskoy zhizni: mezhdistsiplinarnye issledovaniya [Anthropology of Academic Life: Interdisciplinary Researches]. Moscow: Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology Press, 2010, vol. 2, 333 pp.

Marina Mamontova

A Review of G. N. Uspenskaya, Tashkent — prekrasnaya epokha [Tashkent — Belle Epoque]. St Petersburg: Novyy mir iskusstva, 2008, 280 pp.

Eleonora Shafranskaya

A Review of M. A. Grachev, Slovar sovremennogo molodezhnogo zhargona [Modern Youth Speak Slang Dictionary]. Moscow: Eksmo, 2007, 672 pp.

Dmitry Gromov

A Review of V. Kivelson, J. Neuberger (eds.), Picturing Russia: Explorations in Visual Culture. New Haven; London: Yale University Press, 2008, 284 pp.; Yu. Alexandrov, A. Barzakh (comp.), Russkiy komiks [Russian Comics]: A Collection of Articles. Moscow: NLO, 2010, 352 pp.

Olga Boitsova


Letter to the Editor

Response to the Review by N. Konakov, Yu. Shabaev, published in Antropologicheskij forum, no. 13

Oleg Ulyashev


Summaries and keywords

Antropologicheskij forum, no. 15