Forum: Parascience and Pseudo-scholarship
Leonid Belyaev, Elena Berezovich, Svetlana Borinskaya, Alan Bowman, Victor Vasiliev, Nikolai Vakhtin, Ivan Grinko, Katerina Guba, Rebecca Gould, Dmitry Diakonov, Georgy Kantor, Mikhail Krom, Marlène Laruelle, Roman Leibov, Anna Pavlova, Alexander Prozhilov, Revekka Frumkina, Tatyana Chernigovskaya, Evgeni Chernykh, Victor Schnirelmann
From the Editorial Board
Albert Baiburin
Oppositely Directed Double-Voiced Discourse: The Aesthetics and Semiotics of Humour
Alexander Kozintsev
An Absolutely Happy Letter: Towards the Question of Transmission of Folklore on the Internet
Daria Radchenko
Latvian 'Cemetery Festivals' (Kapu svētki): History, Traditions and Cultural Contexts
Svetlana Ryzhakova
Papers from the Conference “Lost (and Found) in Translation: Global Christianity in the Russian Religious Landscape”
'Sacred Theatre', Moral Issues, and the Rites of Passage: The Anthropology of Global Christianity in Present Day Russia
Alexander Panchenko
'Shakers': Disciplinary Society, Political Police, and the Fate of Pentecostalism in Russia
Alexander Panchenko
'God Speaks My Mother Tongue': The Ethnic Strategy of the Komi Evangelical Church
Art Leete
'We Crossed the Hell Line': Evangelical Visions as an Instrument of Social Control
Sergei Shtyrkov
Heart Hygiene: Discipline and Faith of the 'Born Again' Charismatic Christians
Jeanne Kormina
A Review of Donald. J. Raleigh, Soviet Baby Boomers: An Oral History of Russia’s Cold War Generation. Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, 420 pp.
Olga Smolyak
A Review of Yu. Yu. Karpov, E. L. Kapustina, Gortsy posle gor. Migratsionnye protsessy v Dagestane v XX — nachale XXI veka: Ikh sotsialnye i etnokulturnye posledstviya i perspektivy [Highlanders after Highlands: Migration Processes in Dagestan in the 20th — Early 21st Century, Their Social, Ethnic, and Cultural Consequences and Prospects]. St Petersburg: Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie, 2011, 448 pp.
Alisa Tolstokorova
A Review of Tomasz Kamusella, The Politics of Language and Nationalism in Modern Central Europe. Houndmills; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008; 2012, XXVIII+1140 pp.
Nikolai Vakhtin
A Review of D. D. Tumarkin, Belyy papuas. N. N. Miklukho-Maklay na fone epokhi [N. N. Miklouho-Maclay against the Background of His Time]. Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura, 2011, 623 pp.
Boris Komissarov
Summaries and keywords
Antropologicheskij forum, no. 18