Antropologicheskij forum, 2013, no. 19



Forum: 'Provincial' and 'Indigenous' Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Introduction to the Discussion

Mikhail Sokolov, Kirill Titaev

Alexander Bermus, Yuliya Buchatskaya, Elena Gapova, Olesya Kirchik, Mikhail Krylov, Alexander Kuznetsov, Ekaterina Melnikova, Marina Mogilner, Vladimir Napolskikh, Andrei Nekhaev, Yuri Pustovoyt, Adil Rodionov, Svetlana Rodygina, Nikolai Rozov, Eugenia Romanova, Vladimir Ryzhkovsky, Zhaksylyk Sabitov, Sergey Sokolovskiy, Boris Stepanov, Alexei Titov, Serguei Oushakine

Discussion of the Paper by Mikhail Sokolov and Kirill Titaev in the Institute of Archeology and Ethnography of the Armenian National Academy of Sciences

Levon Abrahamian, Smbat Akopyan, Yulia Antonyan, Lusine Gushchyan, Gamlet Melkumyan, Satenik Mkrtchyan, Alina Pogosyan, Gayane Shagoyan

An Answer to Critique

Mikhail Sokolov, Kirill Titaev



'Provincial' and 'Indigenous' Scholarship in the Humanities and Social Sciences

Mikhail Sokolov, Kirill Titaev

Ethnographers’ 'Dialogue': The Problem of Intertextuality in Scientific Ethnographic Work in the Latter Part of the 19th — Early 20th Centuries

Olga Bodrova


Discussion of Language Genesis

A Review of Derek Bickerton, Yazyk Adama. Kak lyudi sozdali yazyk. Kak yazyk sozdal lyudey [Adam’s Tongue: How Humans Made Language, How Language Made Humans]. Moscow: Yazyki slavyanskikh kultur, 2012, 336 pp.

Alexander Barulin

A Review of Svetlana Burlak, Proiskhozhdenie yazyka: Fakty, issledovaniya, gipotezy [The Origin of Language: Facts, Research, Hypotheses]. Moscow: Astrel; CORPUS, 2011, 464 pp.

Alexander Kozintsev

A Review of Svetlana Burlak, Proiskhozhdenie yazyka: Fakty, issledovaniya, gipotezy [The Origin of Language: Facts, Research, Hypotheses]. Moscow: Astrel; CORPUS, 2011, 464 pp.

Alexander Barulin

The Origin of Language: A Variety of Approaches

Svetlana Burlak

The Origin of Language: An Afterword to the Discussion

Nikolai Vakhtin



A Review of David Buchbinder, Studying Men and Masculnities. London; New York: Routledge, 2012, 216 pp.; David Benatar, The Second Sexism: Discrimination against Men and Boys. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2012, 304 pp.; Maya Eichler, Militarizing Men: Gender, Conscription and War in Post-Soviet Russia. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2011, 256 pp.

Anna Avdeeva

A Review of N. A. Dubova, Yu. N. Kvashnin (eds.), 'Ne lyubopytstva radi, a poznaniya dlya…' K 75-letiyu Yuriya Borisovicha Simchenko ['Not Out of the Idle Curiosity, but for the Sake to Understanding...' On the Occasion of Yuriy Simchenko’s 75th Anniversary]. Moscow: Staryy sad, 2011, 411 pp.

Elena Fedorova

A Review of M. V. Stanyukovich (ed., comp.), Pilipinas muna! Filippiny prezhde vsego! [Pilipinas muna! The Philippines Is a Priority!]. St Petersburg: Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography Press, 2011, 683 pp.

Elena Revunenkova


Letters to the Editor

Should 'Classic Shine' Be Preserved When Studying the Life and Heritage of Miklouho-Maclay?

Daniil Tumarkin


Summaries and keywords

Antropologicheskij forum, no. 19