Antropologicheskij forum, 2014, no. 22



Forum: Equal Opportunities and the Academic Career: Chimera, Ideal, or Reality?

Vladimir Bogdanov, Viktor Voronkov, Alexandra Kasatkina, Catriona Kelly, Anna Kushkova, Aleksandr Nazarenko, Natalia Pushkareva, Anna Sokolova, Elena Filippova, Revekka Frumkina, Katharine Hodgson, Beth Holmgren, Marc Elie, Irène Herrmann, Igor Yanovich

There Is No Such Thing as Discrimination — Or Is There?

Olga Boitsova



Negros in the USSR: Ethnography of an Imaginary Diaspora

Konstantin Bogdanov

Calendar and Chronopsychology (On the Semantic Opposition of Spring and Autumn in the Texts of Ancient Mesopotamia)

Vladimir V. Emelianov

Rural Tourism and Development Strategies of Austrians Farmers: The Impact of the Tourism Industry on the Authenticity of Peasant Culture

Ekaterina Holler


Conference Proceedings “Anthropology. Folklore Studies. Sociolinguistics”

From the Compilers

Mikhail Lurie

Religious Practices of Nomads of Western Mongolia: The Setertey Mal Custom of Derbets

Vladislav Trentiev

The Curare Poison, Frozen Corpse and Wax Counterpart: The Illness and Death of Lenin in Rumours of the 1920s

Natalia Petrova

“Plasticine Craft, Paper Craft, Handmade Cards…” or The Paradigm of Children’s Gifts

Anna Kozlova

“Memory Lives Not in Stones”: The Rogozhskoe Cemetery Space in Visitors’ Stories

Sergei Mokhov



A Review of Pierre W. Orelus, Rethinking Race, Class, Language, and Gender: A Dialogue with Noam Chomsky and Other Leading Scholars. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Pub., 2011, 203 pp.

Olga Blinova

A Review of Chris Gilleard, Paul Higgs, Ageing, Corporeality and Embodiment. London; New York; Delhi: Anthem Press, 2013, 212 pp.

Lyubava Shatokhina

A Review of Jo B. Paoletti, Pink and Blue: Telling the Boys from the Girls in America. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2012, 169 pp.

Olga Boitsova

A Review of Jack Goody, Metals, Culture and Capitalism: An Essay on the Origins of the Modern World. Cambridge et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2012, 349 pp.

Yuri Berezkin

A Review of Peter Trudgil, Sociolinguistic Typology: Social Determinants of Linguistic Complexity. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011 (reprinted 2012), 236 pp.

Nikolai Vakhtin

A Review of V. V. Bocharov, Nepisanyy zakon: Antropologiya prava [An Unwritten Law: Anthropology of Law]. 2nd ed. St Petersburg: AIK, 2013, 328 pp.

Anna Asessorova

A Review of Yu. P. Shabaev, I. L. Zherebtsov, Antropologiya goroda [Urban Anthropology], vol. 1: Kulturnye simvoly i obrazy v gorodskom prostranstveEtnichnost i gorodskaya identichnost [Cultural Symbols and Images in the Urban Space. Ethnicity and Urban Identity]Syktyvkar: Institute of Linguistics, Literature and History, Komi Research Centre, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2013, 192 pp.

Victor Semenov

A Review of V. A. Tishkov, “My zdes zhivem”: sotsialnaya antropologiya malogo rossiyskogo goroda ["We Live Here": Social Anthropology of a Small Russian Town]. Moscow: Russian State University for the Humanities Press, 2013, 684 pp.

Alisa Maximova



Conference “Thanatological Practices and Narratives in Contemporary Culture: The Soviet and Post-Soviet Periods”

Denis Ermolin

Anthropology in Contemporary India: On Signs and Symptoms of the Epoch. Reflections on the 44th Annual Conference of Indian Anthropological Society on 17th–19th January 2014 (Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India)

Svetlana Ryzhakova


Summaries and keywords

Antropologicheskij forum, no. 22