Russia and France: Dialogue of Linguistic Stereotypes
Elena Berezovich and Galina Kabakova
“On Holidays We Promise Not to Work”: On the Question of Peasant Local Government in the Vologda Province at the End of 19th — the Beginning of the 20th Century
Dmitry Mukhin
Anthropology and Conspiracy Theories
Alexander A. Panchenko
Conspiracy Plot in Nikolay Burlyaev’s Film Lermontov and Filmmaker’s Diary: On the Ethnography of Emotions of the National Conservative Community
Anna Razuvalova
“The Beast Computer of Brussels”: Apocalyptic Imagination and Conspiracy Theories in Present Day Religious Culture
Killer Yeast: The Gastronomic Conspiracy and Culture of Distrust in Contemporary Russia
Jeanne Kormina
“The Fight between Ases and Devas Runs through All Our Existence”: North-Ossetia Intellectuals’ Conspirological Imagination in Their Search for Meaning in National History
Sergei Shtyrkov
A Review of Phillip Vannini, Jonathan Taggart, Off the Grid: Re-Assembling Domestic Life. New York: Routledge, 2015, 234 pp.
Anastasia Karaseva
A Review of Daniel Kadar, Michael Haugh, Understanding Politeness. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013, 295 pp.
Ekaterina Rudneva
A Review of Mark Sebba, Alexandra Jaffe, Jannis Androutsopoulos, Sally Johnson (eds.), Orthography as Social Action: Scripts, Spelling, Identity and Power. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2012, 392 pp.
Elena Lubiankina
A Review of Aleksey Konkka, Karsikko: Derevya-znaki v obryadovoy praktike i verovaniyakh pribaltiysko-finskikh narodov [Karsikko: “Tree-Signs” in Ritual Practice and Faith of the Baltic Finns]. Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University Press, 2013, 206 pp.
Olga Fishman
Utopias, Realities, Heritages in the Ethnographies of the 21st Century
Nina Vlaskina, Denis Ermolin, Alexander A. Novik, Svetlana Ryzhakova, and Irina Sedakova