From the Editorial Board
Gulnara Aitpayeva, Aida Aaly Alymbaeva, Aksana Ismailbekova, Alima Bissenova, Kulshat Medeuova, Svetlana Gorshenina, Diana Ibanez-Tirado, Magnus Marsden, Tohir Kalandarov, Natalia Kosmarkaya, Emil Nasritdinov, Boris Petric, Madeleine Reeves, Igor Savin, Anna Cieślewska, Tommaso Trevisani, Zulaykho Usmonova, Jesko Schmoller
Conclusion by Sergey Abashin
A Prayer for Rain in Soviet Central Asia (Muslim Practices in the Atheist State)
Sergey Abashin
Feasts of Merit in Western Europe: Medieval Irish Briugas and Traditions of Public Feasting in South and South East Asia
Dmitry Nikolaev
About Place. An Ethno-рhenomenological Essay
Andrey Stepanov
From the Compilers
Anna Klepikova
Parenting at a Distance: Transnational Practices in Migrant Families from Tajikistan
Elena Borisova
Constructing “Greek” and “Albanian”: Linguistic Ideologies in the Greek-speaking Communities of Southern Albania (Northern Epirus)
Ekaterina Zheltova
“New Farmers” in Japan
Ksenia Kurochkina
“All the Falsehood from the Devil”: “Magic” and “Demonological” Motivation in Vocabulary with the Meaning of Deceit
Valeriya Kuchko
On Studying the Linguistic World of Russian Lamentations: The “Deprivation” Category and Its Text Implementation
Olesya Surikova
A Review of Stephane A. Dudoignon, Christian Noack (eds.), Allah’s Kolkhozes: Migration, De-Stalinisation, Privatisation and the New Muslim Congregations in the Soviet Realm (1950s — 2000s). Berlin: Klaus Schwartz Verlag, 2014, 541 pp.
Alfrid Bustanov
A Review of Sophie Hohmann, Claire Mouradian, Silvia Serrano, Julien Thorez (eds.), Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Migration, Democratisation and Inequality in the Post-Soviet Era. London; New York: IB Tauris, 2014, 399 pp.
Denis Letnyakov
A Review of Stephanie Cronin (ed.), Anti-Veiling Campaigns in the Muslim World: Gender, Modernism and the Politics of Dress. London; New York: Routledge, 2014, 288 pp.
Guzel Yusupova
A Review of Svetlana Peshkova, Women, Islam, and Identity, Public Life in Private Spaces in Uzbekistan. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2014, 352 pp.
Anna Cieślewska
A Review of Mehran Kamrava, Zahra Babar (eds.), Migrant Labor in the Persian Gulf. London: Hurst & Company, 2012, 238 pp.
Nikolay Steblin-Kamenskiy
Mikloukho-Maclay: New Legends
Dmitriy Orehov