Knowledge Space of Ethnographical Museum: Strategies, Techniques, and Representations
Nickolay Rudenko
The Power of a Spiritual Elder’s Words: The Ways of Communication in a Community with Charismatic Authority
Daria Dubovka
The Muong Song Lore in Comparative Context: Originality and Similarity to the Vietnamese Tradition
Ekaterina Starikova
War as Festival, Festival as War: Performative Commemoration of Victory Day
Alexandra Arkhipova, Dmitry Doronin, Anna Kirzyuk, Daria Radchenko, Anna Sokolova, Alexey Titkov, and Elena Yugay
A Review of Victor Schnirelmann, Ariyskiy mif v sovremennom mire [The Aryan Myth Today]: In 2 vols. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2015, 536 pp.; 440 pp.
Alexander Panchenko
A Review of Alessandro Duranti, The Anthropology of Intentions: Language in a World of Others. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015, 297 pp.
Evgeny Golovko
A Review of Nelya Koteyko, Language and Politics in Post-Soviet Russia: A Corpus Assisted Approach. Basingstoke, Hants.; New York: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2014, XI+191 pp.
Dmitry Kolyadov
A Review of “Obitel miloserdiya”: Iskusstvo tibetskogo buddizma [“Abode of Mercy”: Tibetan Buddhist Art]. St Petersburg: State Hermitage Press, 2015, 512 pp.
Elena Ivanova
A Review of Dmitry Arzyutov, Sergei Alymov, David G. Anderson (eds.), Ot klassikov k marksizmu: soveshchanie etnografov Moskvy i Leningrada (5–11 aprelya 1929 g.) [From Classics to Marxism: The Conference of Moscow and Leningrad Ethnographers (5–11 April, 1929)]. St Petersburg: MAE RAS, 2014, 511 pp. (Kunstkamera — Archive, vol. 7)
Anton Sveshnikov
The 6th International Audiovisual Anthropology Film Festival “Days of Ethnographic Cinema”, September 27 — October 2, 2016, Moscow
Victoria Vasileva
In Memory of Elena Nikolaevna Uspenskaya