Children’s Agency as a Theoretical Problem and a Practical Concern (an Anthropological Remark)
Angelina Kozlovskaya, Anna Kozlova
A Machine for Developing a World View
Alexander Liarsky
The Ghost of Pedocracy in the Puppet Theater: On School Self-government and the Subjectivity of Children in the First Decades of Soviet Power
Kirill Maslinsky
How to Raise an Independent Soviet Citizen? Pedagogic Technologies of the Exemplary Pioneer Camps Artek and Orlyonok (1957–1991)
Anna Kozlova
“Let’s Pretend You Took Freddy’s Mask Off ”: Communicative Strategies and Agency Redistribution in Digitally-informed Children’s Pretend Play
Angelina Kozlovskaya
Producing Ethnicity: Narratives about National Cuisine among the Azerbaijanis, Armenians and Georgians
Evgenia Guliaeva
From the Editorial Board
Replies by Zinaida Vasilyeva, Anna Lazareva, Sofia Oskolskaya
A Review of Richard C. M. Mole (ed.), Soviet and Post-Soviet Sexualities. London; New York: Routledge, 2019, 212 рp.
Polina Kislitsyna
A Review of Ilya Utekhin, Chto takoe vizualnaya antropologiya: рutevoditel po klassike etnograficheskogo kino [What Is Visual Anthropology: A Guidebook on the Classics of Ethnographic Cinema]. St Petersburg: Poryadok slov, 2018, 352 pp.
Elena Danilko
Looking for “the Bible”: A Review of Florentina Badalanova Geller, Kniga sushchaya v ustakh: folklornaya Bibliya bessarabskikh i tavricheskikh bolgar [The Book That Exists in the Mouths: The Folk Bible of the Bessarabian and Tauride Bulgarians]. Moscow: Russkiy fond sodeystviya obrazovaniyu i nauke, 2017, 864 pp., 183 ill.
Dmitriy Antonov