Forum: Prestige in Scholarship (Discussion of Mikhail Sokolov’s Article)
The Failed Consolidation of Authority in Post-Soviet Scholarship
Mikhail Sokolov
Marina Volokhonskaya, Vladimir Volokhonsky, Vladimir Guelman, Katerina Guba, Aleksey Elfimov, Jane Zavisca, Elena Zdravomyslova, Tatjana Zimenkova, Peter Rutland, Sergey Sokolovskiy, Andrey Starodubtsev, Kirill Titaev
Mikhail Sokolov
Russian Anthropology and Its Historiography
Sergey Sokolovskiy
Letters of Believers as Advertising: The 'National Reception Room' of St Ksenia of Petersburg
Jeanne Kormina, Sergei Shtyrkov
'It Should Go On and On in Such a Way…' (On the Functions of Teaching a Native Language at School)
Vlada Baranova
Beliefs on Sacredness and the Sacred in Latvian Folklore and Folk Worldview
Svetlana Ryzhakova
System of Kinship Terms of the Guinean Maninka
Valentine Vydrin, Mamady Diané
Anthroponyms in Slavonic Phytonymics
Valeria Kolosova
Materials from Expeditions and Archives
The Jewish Population of the European North of Russia: Problems of Social Construction (End of the 19th — Beginning of 20th Century)
Maxim Pulkin
Muslim Tatars of the Penza Region: A Look into the Soviet Past (1940s–1980s)
Larisa Koroleva, Alexei Korolev
A Review of Helena Goscilo, Andrea Lanoux (eds.), Gender and National Identity in Twentieth-Century Russian Culture. De Kalb: Northern Illinois University Press, 2006, 267 pp.; Oleg Ryabov, 'Rossiya-Matushka”: natsionalizm, gender i voyna v Rossii XX veka ['Mother-Russia': Nationalism, Gender and War in Russia of the 20th Century]. Stuttgart: ibidem-Verlag, 2007, 290 pp.
Andy Byford
A Review of A. Kim Clark, Marc Becker (eds.), Highland Indians and the State in Modern Equador. Pittsburgh, Pa: Pittsburg University Press, 2007, 360 pp. (Pitt Latin American Studies).
Istvan Praet
A Review of ‘Muzhskoy sbornik’. Issue 1: Muzhchina v traditsionnoy kulture [Man in Traditional Culture] / Comp. by I. A. Morozov, ed. by S. P. Bushkevich. Moscow: Labirint, 2001, 224 p.; Issue 2: 'Muzhskoe' v traditsionnom i sovremennom obshchestve [The Masculine in Traditional and Contemporary Society] / Comp. by I. A. Morozov, ed. by D. V. Gromov, N. L. Pushkareva. Moscow: Labirint, 2004, 264 pp.; Issue 3: Muzhchina v ekstremalnoy situatsii [Man in Extreme Situation] / Comp. by I. A. Morozov, ed. by N. L. Pushkareva. Moscow: Indrik, 2007, 264 pp.
Connor Doak
A Review of Ticio Escobar, The Curse of Nemur. In Search of the Art, Myth, and Ritual of the Ishir / Trans. by Adriana Michele Campos Johnson. Pittsburgh, Pa: University of Pittsburg Press, 2007, 303 pp.
Yuri Berezkin
'Breaking the barriers'. An International Documentary Film Festival and Conference, Iceland, May 28 — June 2, 2008
Victoria Chistyakova
Mikhail Alekseevsky, Yuri Berezkin, Varvara Dobrovolskaya, Jeanne Kormina, Andrey Moroz, Efim Rezvan, Anna Sirina, Svetlana Tolstaya, Sergei Shtyrkov
Summaries and keywords
Antropologicheskij forum, no. 9